O.K. I am off strike. I've actually been off strike but have been studying for a test and not blogging. I think it payed off. Holla! Tonight I decided to make baked ravioli. I have not attempted this dish in 5-10 years. Yes, I know it's not difficult so I'll explain. I made a beautiful baked rav dish back at the old house. I took it out of the oven and placed it on top of the burner. Oops! I heated the sauce up on that burner and the glass dish and ravioli exploded and went everywhere. Thanks to my "Live Like You Were Dying" Bible study, I have decided to move on and get over that root of bitterness ;). Just kidding. I found some mozzarella I didn't know I had. So I made homemade marinara, tossed it with the ravioli, topped it with mozzarella and baked it. Oh so good. I'm glad I bought 2 bags of ravioli so I can make this again soon.